About the Journal
Ethical Standards
The Journal of Sociology and Christianity adopts as its own, and adheres to, the American Sociological Association's Code of Ethics (see ASA Code of Ethics). This Code includes the general principles of academic competence and integrity, professional, scientific, and social responsibility, and respect for people's rights, dignity, and diversity. Ethical standards of the research process include informed consent, protection from harm, and privacy (anonymity or confidentiality) regarding the planning, implementation, and dissemination of research (Sections 10-12). Ethical standards of the publication process include matters of authorship and plagiarism, manuscript submission, responsibilities of editors, and responsibilities of reviewers (Sections 13-15).
Editorial Board
Dennis Hiebert, PhD (University of Manitoba)
Adjunct Professor of Sociology
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Managing Editor:
Matthew S. Vos, PhD (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Professor of Sociology
Covenant College, Georgia
Editorial Board:
Brad Breems, PhD (University of British Columbia)
Professor of Sociology Emeritus
Trinity Christian College, Illinois
Lisa McMinn, PhD (Portland State University)
Professor of Sociology
Writer in Residence
George Fox University, Oregon
Steven K. Mittwede, PhD (University of South Carolina)
Randolph School (Huntsville, Alabama) and
EQUIP! Team (Ankara, Turkey)
Scott Monsma, PhD (University of Pittsburgh)
Professor of Sociology
Northwestern College, Iowa
Jenell Paris, PhD (American University)
Professor of Anthropology
Messiah College, Pennsylvania
Joshua D. Reichard, PhD, EdS (University of the Western Cape)
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Assistant Superintendent
Valley Christian Schools, Youngstown, Ohio
Associate Faculty, Forbes School of Business, Ashford University
Faculty, Oxford Graduate School, Tennessee
Joe Scimecca, PhD (New York University)
Professor of Sociology
George Mason University, Virginia
Bruce C. Wearne, PhD (La Trobe University, Melbourne)
Former Senior Lecturer in Sociology
Monash University, Australia
Editorial Board Composition:
- 1. The editorial board will be composed of individuals who are Christian in their worldview, who are connected with either Oxford Graduate School or the Christian Sociological Association, and who agree with either of their respective missions and visions.
- 2. The editorial board will be responsible for reading, assessing, editing, and approving materials for inclusion in each issue, and for the final approval of copy layout.
- 3. The editorial board will notify authors whose articles, essays, or book reviews are approved, and will secure their permission to include their submissions prior to publication.
- 4. The editorial board does not necessarily endorse or affirm all the contents of what the journal publishes.
Institutional Sponsor: Omega Graduate School
JSC is an extension of the purpose for which Omega Graduate School exists: to equip Christian adults to integrate religion and society in order to transform the family, church, and community worldwide.
Organizational Sponsor: Christian Sociological Association
JSC is also an extension of the purpose for which the Christian Sociological Association exists: to be a forum where Christian sociologists can explore the implications of the Christian faith for the thinking and doing of sociology, and a place to engage in personal and professional development through concentrated discussion on the integration of the sociological vocation with the Christian calling.
Indexing and Abstracts:
JSC is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database®, ATLA RDB®, a product of the American Theological Library Association. E-mail: [email protected], https://www.atla.com/
JSC articles are abstracted in Religious and Theological Abstracts, Myerstown, PA. E-mail: [email protected], https://www.rtabstracts.org
JSC is also indexed by Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com) and EBSCOHost® (https://www.ebscohost.com)
The Journal of Sociology and Christianity is a publication of Omega Graduate School, Dayton, TN USA. (c) 2011-2023 Omega Graduate School, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ISSN: 2572-4088